Peaches: Why you should include them in your diet

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Exclusively summery, cool, juicy and full of aroma fruit, the peach is considered the fruit of purity and immortality, according to some oriental traditions.

From the eastern countries, and more specifically from China, it reached Europe around 100 AD.

The peach is the fruit of the peach, it has a spherical or oval shape, a seam on the back and a fluffy or smooth skin depending on its variety. Its flesh is juicy and aromatic, with a sweet and sour taste. Its core (seed) is large and red and shows many grooves.

Today, it is cultivated mainly in Italy, America, France, China and Spain, while in our country, which holds an important position in the world market, Macedonia holds the scepter of production.

Italy is the world’s first producer of peaches. Greece also has a very large production. Peach production appears in Greece during the 1960s, when in 1964 began the systematic exports of Greek peaches mainly to European countries with the main cultivated variety, Elberta.
It is noteworthy that the peach is the most cultivated fruit tree in the world after the apple.

Peach species
Depending on their shape, color and taste, peaches come in many varieties. Thus, we have the nectarines with the hard flesh, the peaches with the red fruits, known as sanguine, and the gourds, the white-fleshed peaches with the white “skin” that have a more bitter taste than the normal peaches and have a soft and highly aromatic flesh.

Nutrient content
Peaches contain protein, sugar, plenty of vitamins C and E, many antioxidants, fiber, phosphorus, biotin, iron and calcium. Health benefits

Thanks to the complex of vitamins, mainly C and E, that it contains
• protects against gastrointestinal disorders,
• helps prevent many forms of cancer,
• helps the body resist disease, strengthens the immune system, while it is good
• diuretic and
• laxative.

Peaches contain several vitamins, most notably vitamin C. One cup of fresh peaches contains 10.2 mg of vitamin C, or 17% of the required daily intake. It also contains 502 IUs (international units) in Vitamin A, 1.1mg in Vitamin E and 4 mg in Vitamin K. The B vitamins are presented in the form of niacin 1.2mg, folic acid 6.2mg and traces of thiamine , riboflavin, pantothenic acid and Vitamin B6. If we want to get enough vitamins and minerals every day, the best thing to do is to include in our diet a variety of foods, including peaches. The vitamins and minerals in natural foods are better metabolized by the body than any dietary supplement.

Peach is a good source of soluble fiber, thus helping to reduce LDL-cholesterol, so its frequent consumption is recommended, while due to the bulk of the various vegetables and the low energy it provides, they are consumed by those seeking to lose weight. Fiber plays a key role in our health and therefore should be an important factor in our dietary choices. One cup of raw peaches contains 2.3g of fiber or 9% of RDI. Research has shown that people who eat fiber are less likely to develop obesity, cancer and cardiovascular problems.
Therefore, it is ideal for those who pay attention to the diet as it offers few calories and a large amount of vitamins.


Minerals are just as essential for optimal health as vitamins. Therefore, 1 cup of peaches contains some of them.

Although the recommended daily intake (RDI) of minerals is not as high as it is for vitamins, a deficiency in a mineral causes serious health problems. The minerals contained in peaches are potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Zinc, iron, calcium, selenium and fluoride are also added to the list of metals.
We should not forget, however, that the peach is one of the richest in water, fruit, as it consists of 89% water. Therefore it moisturizes the body, the skin, has anti-aging properties and is valuable for the health and beauty of the skin. But in addition to the valuable ingredients it offers to the body, it is also used as a cosmetic.
Also thanks to its content of trace elements, minerals and vitamins, the peach is suitable for those who have:
• anxiety,
• overvoltage and
• feel tired.

It acts as a sedative and anxiolytic.
We therefore realize that nature through its foods, especially fruits, does not only provide us with the nutrients needed for our survival. It generously gives us valuable active ingredients that shield us and protect us from degenerative diseases, thus increasing our life expectancy.
Health benefits:
• Contains a small percentage of calories so consuming it helps control body weight.
• Contains enough water therefore helps to hydrate the body
• Contains a sufficient amount of fiber which helps the proper functioning of the intestine.

Contains potassium that helps regulate blood pressure.
Carotenoids have antioxidant activity. They protect our cells from the oxygen free radicals produced and prevent cancer. That is, peach has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.
Flavonoids (contains mainly pro-anthocyanins and leuko-anthocyanins) protect from sunlight while promoting tanning.

The nutritional value of canned peaches
Heat treatment-canning causes only a few losses in nutrients, which are analogous to those caused by cooking. To the advantages of choosing canned fruits should be added the fact that once they are canned, they retain their nutrients for up to two years. This is very important because these products are harvested at the peak of their maturity and canned a few hours later, retaining their nutrients.

The percentages of these vitamins are slightly reduced during canning making the canned peach equal to the fresh product. The energy provided is almost doubled but there is the possibility of producing a product with fewer calories by using fruit juice syrup or pure water instead.

Suggested way of selection
One way to distinguish fresh peaches is by their smell. That is, we avoid those that do not smell characteristic. Also, they should not be beaten and it is good to eat them peeled. But if you like peels, make sure you wash them thoroughly.

Suggested way of maintenance
An ideal phase for their consumption is the full maturation, which occurs from mid-June to the end of September. Pay special attention, however, because immediately after, rot occurs rapidly. So it would be good to eat them fresh, because they can only be kept around 15 days. In general, the peach is quite sensitive to heat and if left out of the refrigerator it rots quickly.

Suggested way of consumption
The peach is kept for about 15 days in the refrigerator. It is consumed raw with the skin, because the skin contains most of the vitamins. Before eating, of course, it is washed very well with water. We also have a large production of peach compote in Greece but we also prepare wonderful homemade jams or homemade sweets. The pectin contained in peach gives good consistency in compotes and jams. It is also used in the preparation of soft drinks, juices and liqueurs.

Source: internet

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